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1) Answer the following about the building with regard to LEED scoring in the Sustainable Sites category (please provide comparisons for yes/no questions): a. SSC4.3: Specify the minimum provisions required to earn the points for this credit under Option 3. (1 pt.) b. SS5.1: Specify the provisions required to earn the points for this credit. Also, would these provisions also allow the project to earn the points for SSc5.2 if there are no zoning requirements? (1 pt.) c. SSc7.2: If the edges of the roof, comprising 30% of its area, will be sloped at 20% using a material with an SRI of 40, determine the minimum SRI of the remaining portion of the roof, which will be flat. (1 pt.) d. Using at least 3 references, discuss the benefits and consequences of 3 different ways of providing open space in a development. (2 pts.)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5