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1. Assume that we have a transmission line with characteristic impedance zo. We input a waveform with an amplitude Vo and frequency w such that the TL length I contains

exactly two periods. Assume V = 0 at the edges at time t = 0. (a) Plot and justify the reflected voltage waveform V_ (x, t) as a function of x for the time values \omega t=0, \frac{\pi}{2} . \text { Assume } z_{L} \text { is in open condition. } (b) Plot and justify the reflected voltage waveform V (x, t) as a function of x for the time values \omega t=0, \frac{\pi}{2} \text {. Assume } z_{L} \text { is in closed condition. } (c) Plot and justify the reflected voltage waveform V_ (x,t) as a function of x for the time values \omega t=0, \frac{\pi}{2} . \text { Assume } z_{L} \text { is in matching condition. }

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8