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1. Mission, Vision, and Goals

You and your coworkers understand the

mission, vision, and goals of your


Your department or team's work is aligned

with the mission, vision, and goals of the


2. Hiring Process

There is a well-organized hiring process, with

resources and tools to support hiring


There is an effective onboarding process for

new hires, which prepares them for their role

and orients them to the organization's

mission, goals, and culture./nComponents

3. Team Management and Diversity

Managers have the resources and skills to

design an effective workforce strategy for

their teams.

Managers understand how to work effectively

with individuals and teams across remote,

hybrid, and onsite modes of work.

Leadership promotes and leverages diversity,

equity, and inclusion, both in hiring and in the

organization's culture.

4. Differentiation

Managers at your organization know how to

differentiate between employees and identify

top talent.


Rationale for Score


Employees at your organization receive

regular feedback on their performance and

know where they stand.

5. Performance Reviews

Your organization has an effective

performance-review process that develops

people to their full potential.

The performance review process is well-

integrated with other talent management

areas, such as promotion and professional


6. Letting People Go

Terminated employees are treated with

dignity and respect at your organization.



Rationale for Score

Recommendation/nOther employees receive appropriate support

and communication when a co-worker is "let


7. Coaching, Development, and Culture

Managers regularly coach employees and

provide candid and actionable feedback on


The workforce at your organization has

professional development opportunities

and/or mentors available to help them grow.

Leadership fosters a culture of truth, trust,

and transparency that motivates people to


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