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1. Section 1: SSP03 (20 Points)

1. Notes:

1. Use the following code to get the current day: "$current_day = date('N');"

2. For the purpose of this assignment, the numbers associated with the day of the week

will be.
















Days of Week


3. The school apollo server, and likely your local server, have the timezone set to UCT

which is +6 hours (USA Central Time zone). I do not want you losing time resetting this

so just be aware of this setting when doing your assignment.

2. Functions:

1. Folder: create a folder entitled functions in your root PHP directory.

2. File: create a file called functions_ssp03.php in that folder.

3. fn_tableOpen(): Create a function entitled fn_tableOpen(). This function will have one

paramater for the tables caption. It will contain static code to open a table, apply your

CSS formatting class(es), and create the header columns. Your header columns will be

the same as what you did in SSPO2 which were Day, Details, and Time. Note, when

populating the day column with the functions below you will use the string (e.g.,

"Monday") instead of the number (e.g. "1").

4. fn_tableClose(): Create a function entitled fn_tableClose(). THis function will not have

any paramaters. It will contain static code for a table closing tag followed by two-line

breaks (e.g., "

5. fn_tableRowCurrent(): Create a function entitled fn_tableRowCurrent(). This function

will have three paramaters for the three different columns. You will have the/nCS 2623-Week 2 Assignment

appropriate code to display these parameters in a new row. Also, it will have CSS

coding to highlight the row. By that I mean change this rows background color to yellow

(e.g., #FFFF66). Sorry in advance if that does not align with your pages color scheme. I

need something standard for grading purposes.

6. fn_tableRow(): Create a function entitled fn_tableRow(). This will be the same as

fn_tableRowCurrent() except you will NOT have the special highlighting.

7. fn_dayOfWeek(): Create a function entitled fn_dayOfWeek(). This will have one

parameter for the numerical day of the week. You will return the actual string day of the

week. For example, if you get a 1 it will be "Monday", 2 it will be "Tuesday", etc.

Reference the table above! I expect you to use an if staement with a else if for this.

8. fn_dayDetails(): Create a function entitled fn_dayDetails(). Use a switch statement,

create details about your CS2623 study goals for eadh day of the week. The function will

take one parameter which is the numerical day of the week. For this assignment, you

must dedicate at least four days to the course with a certain amount of study time for

each day.

9. fn_dayTime(): Create a function entitled fn_dayTime(). Using an if else/if statement,

write code to give the amount of time you will study on CS2623 for days of the week.

For two of your four days, the study time will be the same. The other two must be

unique. For the ones with the same day, you must use an "OR" the logical operator.

3. Loops:

1. Folder: Create folder in your root directly entitled SSPO3.

2. File: Create a copy of your SSP02.php file and name it SSPO3. Save it in the SSP03


3. Navigation: Update your navigation to include the SSPO3 page on your SSP03.php.

4. Content: Remove the include dymanic content from your body. Where it was in your

SSP03.php file you will be entering PHP information for the following loops.

5. For Loop: Create a table with a for loop for each day of the week. Your table should

start on Monday and go to Sunday. Your caption should be "CS2623: Weekly Planner"

where will be your actual name. The tables content and syntax should be done with the

functions (minus the loop syntax). If the rows day is the current day than use

fn_tableRowCurrent() for the day rows. Otherwise, you would use fn_tableRow().

6. While Loop: Create a table with a while loop for the weekdays only. A weekday is

Monday to Friday. Your caption should be "CS2623: Weekday Planner" where will be

your actual name. The tables content and syntax should be done with the functions

(minus the loop syntax). If the rows day is the current day than use

fn_tableRowCurrent() for the day rows. Otherwise, you would use fn_tableRow().

7. Do-While Loop: Create a table with a do-while loop that starts from today and ends

on Sunday. Your caption should be "CS2623: To-Do Planner" where will be your actual


Note: this table will end up being dynamic in that the number of rows will differ from day to

day. If it's Sunday you should still see a row for Sunday.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2