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1. The elementary reaction 2A + 3B <→ 2C + 3D is carried out isothermally in reactor. D diffusing out at a rate of 50/min, while B is also diffusing

out at a rate of 2/min. The initial total flow rate is 8100 mol/min, with a stoichiometric flow of A and B, but that also contains 600 mol/min of C. The initial volumetric flow rate is 6700 dm³/min, the equilibrium constant is 0.75, and the volume is 4000 dm³. The reaction rate constant is heavily temperature dependent, with a frequency factor of 1.8 x 1012 dm12/mol4*min and an activation energy of 199membranekJ/mol. a) Determine the mole balances, the rate laws, the stoichiometry, and the diffusion rates needed. b) If there was no membrane, what is the equilibrium conversion that can be achieved? (A hint -Xr= Kc/(1+K)) c) If the initial temperature is 612°C, what is the conversion that can be achieved with this set-up? What does this conversion tell you about the reaction? d) Change the temperature until you reach as high a conversion as possible. What is the conversion one can reach and what is the temperature necessary for this conversion?Does this temperature make sense as a useable temperature or make sense based on the conversion you are able to obtain? Why or why not? e) What happens to the diffusion of B and D as the temperature increases? Why do you think this difference exists? f) Make sure to turn in the handwritten work to develop the code, the solver program you used (blue code typed into PolyMath, not the code that comes after running), along with your answers.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

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Fig: 7