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1. Theoretical overview of the chosen contemporary issue: Students will define the chosen topic based essentially on the course textbook. The major aspects and notions covered in the textbook should be concisely outlined. The idea of including this theoretical overview pertains to the fact that it will be used in next section as guidance for the field exploration. In addition to the textbook reference, each team is required to review and include a minimum of four recent scientific sources, i.e. articles published scholarly or books. The review of those references should be thorough, concise and insightful. 2. Field study Using interviews with key respondents and information collected from specialized and professional documentations, students are expected to investigate particular aspects or practices characterizing the selected contemporary issue within a selected industry or type of activity in Kuwait. Teams are expected to: - Justify clearly the choice rationale of the selected industry/company. In this regard, the teams need to demonstrate the relevance of the chosen industry to the topic under study. - Explain the methodology applied in their field research (how they identified and approached the respondents, the identity of the respondents, the number of meetings conducted with each one of them, the type of secondary data included such as the official corporate documentation and the Internet sources, etc.). - Include factual information and evidence about the chosen industry in relation to the subject Describe the historical developments concerning the contemporary issue. - - Survey the most affected stakeholders (employees, HR managers, line managers, senior management, etc.). - Review the implications of the contemporary issue on the industry, the organization, the managers and the employees./n3. Recommendations In light of the insights derived from the theoretical review and the field study, teams will be required to formulate well elaborated and supported recommendations for policy makers at organizational level. The recommendations need be clear, relevant and consistent with the reality of the selected type of activity in Kuwait. Preferably, a plan of action for an effective implementation should accompany the recommendations. Furthermore, students may include the control measures that should be considered by decision makers in order to ensure the attainment of the practice aims.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2