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1. There are three crystalline forms of titanium, designated as B, ɛ, and o. The Gibbs energy changes for three transformations are given below as a function of temperature and

pressure.Pressure is in units of Pa and T is in units of Kelvin. (a) Plot and paste below the solids portion of the P-T phase diagram and show the triple point. (b) Evaluate the enthalpy, entropy and molar volume changes for each transformation at the triple point. \varepsilon \rightarrow \beta \quad \Delta G(J / m o l)=4395-3.808 \cdot T-5.985 \times 10^{-3} \cdot \mathrm{P} \omega \rightarrow \varepsilon \quad \Delta G(J / m o l)=-1507-0.335 \cdot T+1.9 \times 10^{-4} \cdot \mathrm{P} \omega \rightarrow \beta \quad \Delta G(J / m o l)=2888-4.143 \cdot T+1.302 \times 10^{-4} \cdot \mathrm{P}

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4