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1) You have to search for a real-world case of leadership communication by yourself. The case should be relevant to the topics you learned. For the first case study, the topic you can choose would be one of the topics of the first week (communication leadership / ethos, pathos, and logos / diversity and leadership). Think about the most impressive topic for you. Then, you search for a real-world case that demonstrates or reflects the topic you liked. Isn’t it interesting?

2) Recommended sources of cases would be credible media (e.g., New York Times, Time magazines, etc.) or biography;

3) The main purpose of this assignment is for you to be able to analyze communicative leadership through theories of leadership communication you learned in each designated day;

4) You have to make the title of your case study and provide relevant theory or concept that you picked to analyze your case. You have to put them in the beginning part of your paper as you can see on the case study form.

5) You have to declare the source of information indicating from where you got information about the case. You have to use APA style to declare the reference (source of information).

6) For the “Case Description” section, you should have a detailed description about the case, including history and media report from credible source of information. The amount of writing for this section should be more than 300 words;

7) The “Theoretical Analysis” section should have more than 300 words, demonstrating how the theory(-ies) you have chosen explains the case you have chosen;

8) Grading Criteria includes 1) amount of writing, 2) quality of writing, 3) quality & accuracy of analysis, & 4) APA style.

9) Check each deadline in the course schedule and Moodle.