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10:18 0 ‹ File Details ENGL-216 African-Am Literature II SP ... Literary Analysis Essay Above Image: Author Richard Wright Subject Richard Wright's "The Ethics of Living Jim Crow" Background and Objective "Formalism" asks us to think about writing as writing; about texts as a texts; about words as words. To that end-What is the most important word in Richard Wright's "The Ethics of Living Jim Crow"? Approach You must choose only one (1) word. Show how your chosen word is the "key" to understanding the rest of the text. Perform a close-reading of the piece; take the reader through the entire work and discuss overall meaning. Remember to make comments about FORM and CONTENT. For support, please supply 3 direct quotes (and your analysis / explanation of relevance of each) from the text. 2 Perhaps, you may wish to make reference to background material. While this paper does not require outside research, per se, you may consult reputable and credible sources as you see fit provided that you cite accordingly; however, I am much more interested in your own close readings of the text; not critical interpretations. Remember: I've read "gradesaver," "Wikipedia," "wikinut," and ""; don't cheat. Some Organizational Suggestions Because this is a "thesis-driven" paper, you are expected to outline / make your claim(s) in the first paragraph of the essay and use the rest of the paper to defend your position(s). You may even use a version of this sentence: "The most important word in [Name of Author]'s [Title of Work] is Feel free to briefly summarize the essay in your first body paragraph. Pr ... ous ... C 7 8 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 000 10:18 0 ‹ File Details ENGL-216 African-Am Literature II SP ... Feel free to briefly summarize the essay in your first body paragraph. As always, compose a non-summarizing conclusion (don't just cut-and-paste a version of the introduction). Use the last paragraph to tell your reader / answer the questions, "What's at stake?" or "Why is this an important subject to consider?" See Chapter 7 of They Say / I Say (on Canvas) for models. Using the Text-"Show and Tell" In order to adequately support your claims, be sure to make direct use of the text through quotation and paraphrase. MLA Formatting (helpful links-also on Canvas) MLA Formatting and Style Guide and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing aphrasing_and_summarizing/index.html "Reports," "Some Things," and "I Think ... " The objective is to write a paper with an arguable and defendable thesis; you are trying to prove or support some set of ideas. You should not be writing an overly-general "report" wherein you merely tell your reader "some things" or what "you think" about your topic .... 3 Plagiarism and Academic Honesty The Internet is a terrible place. If you must go there, don't steal from it. Feel free to use any other credible sources, provided that you cite and reference properly and adequately-even if you are just using them for background. A friendly reminder: if you plagiarize, in any way- especially by way of "copying and pasting" stuff-you will receive a zero on this assignment and face serious academic consequences. N.B. Please submit this paper in PDF format. If you have taken other courses with Prof. Scala, please do not attempt to re-use portions of previous papers (even if they feel particularly relevant). All papers will be reviewed by Turnitin Plagiarism Checker. Proper citation in essential. Students must cite both direct quotes and paraphrased ideas. Even casual browsing of the Internet without proper referencing can result in plagiarism. Papers that are submitted prior to the deadline will be eligible to earn up to full credit, will receive feedback from Prof. Scala (via scored rubric categories and individual end-notes), and are eligible for revision. Papers that are submitted after the deadline will be eligible to earn partial credit, will not Pr ... ous ... 7 8 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 000 0= 10:18 O ‹ File Details ENGL-216 African-Am Literature II SP ... Papers that are submitted after the deadline will be eligible to earn partial credit, will not receive feedback, and are ineligible for revision. Use of Generative Ai Platforms (e.g. ChatGPT) Students using Generative Ai Platforms-in any way-must fill out and include the "Al Addendum" (on Canvas). Specifics Style: Thesis-Driven / Analytical (avoid "I" and first-person references) Format: MLA Font: Calibri Size: 12 pt. 1" Margins All Around Double-Spaced Throughout Last Name and Page Number in Upper-Right-Hand Corner of Each Page Heading in Upper-Left-Hand Corner-first page only (double-space this, too): 4 Your Name Prof. Scala ENGL 216 8 April 2024 Length: ~ 750-900 words Submission: On Canvas in the appropriate location (no email attachments accepted) File Types: PDF Grading: This paper is worth 20% of your final grade, per our course syllabus. Good Luck, and Happy Writing @ 4 Pr ... ous ... 7 8 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 000 0=