question 10 above, with your assignment - the entire article NOT just an
abstract. This will allow you to make sure research has been done on this topic
and ensure that you can find peer reviewed research studies on your topic
plus get you started thinking about your paper. A peer reviewed research
study will include an abstract, introduction, methods, results and a conclusion
or discussion. If methods and results are not included then it is not an actual
research study. Please actually attach the entire article as a pdf or copy and
paste it into your assignment document. DO NOT only include a link to the
student as I can not always access the links. The actual study must be
attached for credit.
It is a great idea to go the campus library and ask for help searching databases
for just peer reviewed research journals - they are there and can help you. If
you find an article online but can't get the article for free the library allows you
to request complete research articles at no cost to you as a student. So visit
the library - this link will tell you how to get help from the library, some things
can be done from your computer so check out the library resources:
Fig: 1