A continuous-time signal
xa (t)=sin2zt+0.1 sin127t
is sampled at a sampling frequency 2, 207 rad/sec. A continuous-time
double differentiator system is defined as
Ye (1)
The continuous-time signal xe (t) is processed by a discrete-time system as
shown in the following figure.
y,(1) (a)
Compute the Fourier transforms of the continuous-time signal
xe (t) and the continuous-time sampled signal x, (t). Sketch the Fourier
transforms of xe (t) and x, (t). Determine all the frequencies of the
Fourier transform X, (j2) within the bandwidth 2 <.
Determine the Fourier transform of the discrete-time sampled
signal x [n] for w<. What is the discrete-time sampled signal x [n]?
Obtain the frequency response of the discrete-time system so
that it is equivalent to the continuous-time system. Then compute the
Fourier transform of the discrete-time output signal y [n].
The continuous-time output signal y, (t) is reconstructed by
a reconstruction ideal low-pass filter H, (j). Determine the signal
yr (t). Compare y, (t) to ye (t). Are they equal? If not, state the reason
why this is the case.
If yr (t) is not equal to ye (t), how would you design a re-
construction filter H, (j) to recover the desired reconstructed sig-
nal yr (t)=ye (t). Sketch the reconstruction filter H, (j). Note that
H, (j) needs not be an ideal low-pass filter.