in the valence band in a semiconductor under the conditions described below. The semiconductor
is characterized by an energy band-structure that is well approximated by parabolic bands near the
top of the valence band and near the bottom of the conduction band. The effective mass of the
electrons in the conduction band is me = 0.48mo, and the effective mass of the holes in the
valence band is m₁ = 0.96mo, where mo = 9.1 x 10-3¹ [kg] is the mass of the electron. The
bandgap of this material is E, = 0.85 [eV]. The bandgap is direct. The system is in thermodynamic
equilibrium at temperature T = 297[K] and the intrinsic carrier concentration at this temperature
is n = 10¹0 [cm³]. The semiconductor is doped with N₂ = 10¹6 [cm3] donor impurities and
NA = 5 x 10¹6 [cm3] acceptor impurities.
Fig: 1