and your system can acquire the user to insert the marks for each course that they have registered. Which means your system may have two buttons one is for Registration and another one for Marks. Your system also be able to calculate the GPA for each student and display the results obtained for each student in the interface itself. You must have a button to print out the overall result in slip as well. Firstly, your code will acquire the name of the student, their ID number (starts with B and restricted to 8 digits, e.g. B01023023) and which semester are they enrolled. Then user need to register the subjects for each student based on the subject list given below for each semester. Your system will only display the courses offered for the particular semester of the student. They are allowed to register minimum 4 or maximum 6 courses for each semester. Once done key in the marks obtained for each student for all the courses they have registered. Your code will display the marks, grade and status (Pass for more than 40 marks or Fail below 40) obtained for each module. GPA will be calculated for the semester and will be displayed in your result slip. Display the status of the student based on their GPA either DEAN'S LIST (more than 3.50), PASS (more than 2.00) or PROBATION (less than 2.00). SEMESTER COURSE CODE 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 BCS1113 BCS1124 BCS1133 BCS1144 BCS1154 BCS1163 BCS1213 BCS1224 BCS1233 BCS1244 BCS1254 BCS1263 BCS1313 BCS1324 BCS1334 BCS1344 BCS1353 BCS1363 85-100 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 MARKS GRADE A 40-44 <40 Computing Maths Programming Technique Computer Organization & Architecture System Development Data Communication & Network Public Speaking Statistics & Probability Database Software Engineering Object-Oriented Programming Computer Science Theory Human Computer Interaction Data Structures & Algorithms Operating Systems Software Requirement Engineering Mobile Software Engineering Software Project Management Third Language COURSE NAMES A- B+ B B- C+ с C- D+ D F POINTS 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.00
Fig: 1