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2. Convolution: Copyright University of Colorado Denver. This is an exam question. The use of any external resources such as Chegg is not allowed. Consider the signal x-ones (10,1) defined

in MATLAB. Make all plots for this problem on one figure using the subplot (4,1,n) where n is the plot number command. a) Make a plot of x b) Make a plot of x convolved with itself (x(n]* x[n]) convolution not multiplication. c) Make a plot of x convolved with itself twice ( xn]**[n]* x[n]). d) Make a plot of x convolved with itself ten times(x[n]* x[n]* x[n]* x[n]* x[n]* x[n]*x[n]* x[n]* x[n]* x[n]).al resource e) Describe what is happening to the plots in terms of the Iength and the shape as you keep on doing mot convolutions.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6