(a) tensile stress, (b) compressive stress, (c) shear stress. 3. What are advantages of hot working process compared with cold working: (a) work part shape can be significantly altered, (b) good dimensional accuracy and surface finishes, (c) lower forces and power required, (d) strength properties of product are generally isotropic. 4. According to the figure, for an alloy containing 50% Ni and 50% Cu, when cooling from liquid state to liquidus curve, the FIRST solid particle that gets solidified would be: (a) Cu-rich, (b) Ni-rich, (c) 50% of Ni and 50 of Cu. 5. The reasons for annealing include: (a) relieve residual stresses induced by shaping, (b) harden metals by Martensite formation, (c) reduce hardness and brittleness,(d) soften metals for machining or forming, (e)recrystallize cold worked metals. 6. Expendable-mold casting processes include: (a) sand casting, (b) expanded-polystyrene casting, (c)die casting, (d) investment casting.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8