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2. Use OPTICS algorithm to output the reachability distance and the cluster ordering for the dataset provided, starting from Instance 1. Use the following parameters for discovering the cluster ordering: minPts

=2 and epsilon =2. Use epsilonprime =1.2 to generate clusters from the cluster ordering and their reachability distance. Don't forget to record the core distance of a data point if it has a dense neighborhood. You don't need to include the core distance in your result but you may need to use them in generating clusters. (45 pts) Instance 1: Instance 2: Instance 3: Instance 16: Dataset visualization Below are the first few lines of the calculation. You need to complete the remaining lines and generate clusters based on the given epsilonprime value: Instance (X,Y) (1, 1) (0, 1) (1, 0) (5,9) 617 Reachability Distance Undefined (or infinity) 1.0 1.0 Undefined

Fig: 1