showing.The free response of an underdamped SDOF oscillator to initial conditions x(0) = x, and*(0) = v, is x(t)=e^{-\xi \omega_{n} t}\left(x_{0} \cos \left(\omega_{d} t\right)+\frac{v_{0}+\xi \omega_{n} x_{0}}{\omega_{d}} \sin \left(\omega_{d} t\right)\right) \text { where } \omega_{d}=\omega_{n} \sqrt{1-\xi^{2}} \text { is the damped natural frequency of the system. Using the above } equation, plot the response x(t) versus time for a system with natural frequency Wn = 5 rad/sec and damping ratio =0.06 subject to initial conditions x(0)=0 cm and v, = 3 cm/s. Use the linspace command (see Prob. 1 above) to create a time vector with exactly 749 points between t 0 and t 10 sec.automatically, and you may not use a loop to calculate the response. Also, report clearly the value of 700th position in your time vector.The four parameters must be entered Basically, it is expected that you create a time vector and evaluate the equation above for all time with one command. You must turn in both your m-file and your plot.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4