outside diameters of the tube are 50 mm and 60 mm, respectively. The Pyrex tube and heater are covered with a 10-mm thick layer of glass fiber pipe insulation. The power input to the heater is 1500 W per meter of tube length. The convection heat transfer coefficient for the water flowing in the tube is hy =1800 W/m² . K. The surface of the insulation is= 12 W/m2 · K. Assume k, = 1.3 W/m · K for the exposed to air at T =-5°C with h,Pyrex and k, = 0.034 W/m K for the glass fiber pipe insulation.A a) Find the temperature of the heater (answer: 57.8°C). b) Find the rate of heat transfer to the water in the tube (answer:- 1460 W/m ).
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4