on 9/27/23. Research the registered companies and provide the following:
a. Who are the top three companies you'd like to meet at the fair? (If you're not in
our department, answer this question in your field of study. If you already have
an internship, you can still answer this question regarding companies who
interest you.)
b. From each of the three companies listed above, describe one current or completed
project that interests you. Their projects are on their websites.
From each of the three companies listed above, describe the location you'd like to
join. Their office locations are on their websites.
d. For your top company, what is something you will say that is a good ice breaker?
For example, "I see you have a project in Colorado Springs. That is two miles
from my parents' house and I've been watching it every time I go home..."
Make this unique so they remember you.
Fig: 1