a pressure of 38 atm, and has a reaction rate constant of 59dm12/mol4*min. The initial total equimolar flow of 780 mol/min and an initial volumetric flow rate of 587.8 dm³/min enter one tube of the reactor. The reactor contains tubes that are each1.75 inches in diameter, with both of the given flows going to each tube at once (so the actual entering flow is much larger), and 210 meters in length. The void fraction within the catalyst is0.61, while the density of the catalyst is 1497 kg/m³. The particle diameter of the catalyst is0.022 m, while the density of the entering gas is 2.184 kg/m³, the viscosity of the gas is 3.22 x10-4 kg/m*sec, and the molecular weight of the gas is 36.15 kg/kmol. a) Determine the conversion of this reaction without a pressure drop b) Determine the a and B parameters needed for the Ergon equation, showing your math. c) Given that a is 0.005/kg, determine the conversion of this reaction with a pressure drop. What is the pressure achieved at the end of the reactor? e) Make sure to turn in the handwritten work to develop the code, the solver program you used (blue code typed into PolyMath, not the code that comes after running),along with your answers.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7