
(2) Multi-Unit, Multi-Reaction Process (50 pts) The diagram below shows a process to produce a product E from A and B. In addition to the information labeled on the diagram, it

is known that the recycle stream to Reactor P (stream 6) has the molar ratio of A to B equal to 1:9. You are asked to find (1) the split ratio of the recycle to purge flow and (2) the overall fractional conversion of A. Follow the general protocol to: organize the information (label the diagram, write aux. equations, write goals) (10 pts) analyze the problem (clearly state a solution strategy based on DOF analysis without solving the entire process, use the DOF tables below if needed) (30 pts) solve for the goals (pick a basis or convert units if necessary, write relevant material balances and solve). Suggestion: do the algebra until you finish everything else (10 pts) a) b) c) nA.I B.1 P1: A + B → 2C P2: A + 2B → 3D Reactor P nĄ.6 nB.6 n ₁.2 ńc,2 np.² Q: 2C + D -> E Reactor Q ń ₁,3 Reactor R n D. 3 n. 3 = 18 lbmol/s R: D + E 4B Splitter nA, 5 = 4 lbmol/s np. 5 nE.S n₁.4 np.4 ńE, 4/nDOF IstrV IsysV Variables SF SC AUX AUX MBs DOF If I had solved (unit/system): the we would get a new DOF for: IstrV IsysV Variables SF SC Specified syst. vars. MBS NEW DOF >>> P Q (which unit/system) After solving the above unit/system, Spltr R has DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine After solving the above unit/system, Strategy to solve for the goals (you may not need all lines below): Process has updated DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine 1/0 (which variables) has updated DOF = 0 and can be solved to determine

Fig: 1

Fig: 2