the audience for this publication? Once you begin reading, add notes about what
the tone and internal cues of the article tell you about its audience.
4. After you survey the chapter (page through it to get a visual sense of how it is
structured), read through it once and keep an eye out for key concepts/terms.
What key concepts seem central to this chapter? Remember that key terms are
defined within or explored by the chapter itself-you should not have to look them
up in a dictionary. After you've read it, identify and define 2-3 key concepts used
in this article.
5. Most articles set out to address a problem and/or pose a question they will
answer. In 2-3 sentences, identify the problem central to Williams's chapter and in
one sentence identify a central question Williams is pursuing in this chapter.
6. Identify Willliams's argument in 2-3 complete sentences.