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3. Next, add a third ball. This will represent the golf ball. Make its mass - ½ the mass of ball 2 (so about 4 that of the basketball). It

should have the same initial velocity as the other two balls. As you did with ball 2, make the gap between ball 2 and ball 3 about 0.2 m. Note: You can use the simulation here to determine the momenta. а.What mass did you input for ball 3? [1 pt] b. What is the momentum of ball 3 right before it first collides with ball 2? [1 pt] с.What is the momentum of ball 3 right after it first collides with ball 2? [1 pt] d. What impulse does ball 2 deliver to ball 3? [1 pt] e. What is the change in ball 3's kinetic energy from right before it first collides with ball 2 to right after? [2 pt]

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6