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(30pt) Expressions can be written without the need of parentheses in postfix form (also called reverse Polish notation). The name comes from the fact that the operator comes after the operands: a+bis written as ab+. A postfix expression can be easily evaluated using a stack. (a) (10pt) Using the underlying grammar from Fig. 4.1, write an S-attributed grammar that associates with the root of the parse tree the postfix expression corresponding to the (infix)expression produced by the tree. (b) (5pt) Use this S-attributed attributed grammar to draw the annotated parse tree for the expression (- 3 + 2) * 7 - 1. Show the attribute flow (arrows and values). (c) (10pt) Using the underlying grammar from Fig. 4.3, write an L-attributed grammar that associates with the root of the parse tree the postfix expression corresponding to the (infix)expression produced by the tree. (d) (5pt) Use this L-attributed attributed grammar to draw the annotated parse tree for the expression (- 3 + 2) * 7 - 1. Show the attribute flow (arrows and values).

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5