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3.46. Calculate Z and V for sulfur hexafluoride at 75°C and 15 bar by the following Equations: (a) The truncated virial equation [Eq. (3.38)] with the following experimental values of

virial coefficients: B= -194 cm^3 mol^-1, C= 15,300 cm^6 -mol^-2 (b) The truncated virial equation [Eq. (3.36)). with a value of B from the generalized Pitzer correlation [Eqs. (3.58)-(3.62)] (c) The Redlich/Kwong equation (d) The Soave/Redlich/Kwong equation (e) The Peng/Robinson equation For sulfur hexafluoride. Tc = 318.7 K, Pc = 37.6 bar, Vc = 198 cm^3 .mol^-1, and W = 0.286.

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