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The next proof makes explicit reference to notions in topology. As indicated in the preceding

alternative proof, a truth assignment can be denoted by a path in the full binary tree Tall, now

viewed as an w-sequence in the product space (T,F). (We write for the first infinite ordinal,

which is the set of natural numbers listed in their standard order.)

We view {T,F) as the underlying space of a product topology ({T,F)", O), thus making every

truth assignment a "point" in that topology. O is a family of open sets that define the topology,

which are in this case subsets of points in {T, F)~ and satisfy the usual requirements of a topology:

• The empty set and the full space {T,F) are in O.

• O is closed under arbitrary unions,

• O is closed under finite intersections.

We can define a subset UC {T,F}" to be open iff there is a finite set of indices IC such that:

U = II { Ai | i €w and A; C {T,F}} where A. = {T,F) for every i Ew-I.

In words, in the infinite product U = Ao × A₁ × --- × A; x--, for all but finitely many indices i

it is the case that A; = {T,F). A set U C {T,F)" is closed iff it is the complement of an open


set. In the case of the product topology, every open subset UC (T,F) is also closed, and thus

called clopen.

Let A be a subset of (T,F). An open covering of A is a family of open sets {U; | i I} CO

such that A CU{U; i 1}. And A is said compact if every open covering of A has a finite

subcovering; i.e., there exists a finite subfamily U₁₁, UU₁ of (U; | i I} such that A

(U₁, UU, U...UU.). By Tychonoff's Theorem in topology, the product topology ({T,F), O)

is compact, which means that every open covering of a subset of points AC {T,F) has a finite


Alternative Proof II of Theorem 2 (Compactness for Propositional Logic). Again here,

we only need to consider the non-trivial implication "+": If I is finitely satisfiable, then I is


For every propositional wffy, let A, C {T,F}" be the collection of all points/truth assignments

that satisfy p. The set A, is a closed (and open) subset of {T,F}" in the topology ({T,F)",0),

which follows from the fact that only mentions finitely many propositional variables. It is easy

to check that, for every finite subset A of I, if A is satisfiable, then {A | A} is not empty.

Hence, the family of closed sets {Apyr} satisfies the finite intersection property. Moreover,

the product topology ({T.F),O) is compact, as noted above. Hence, {A, ET) is not

empty, which is the desired conclusion.

0/nExercise 147. This exercise is couched in a language which is a little more familiar to computer

scientists. Given a set IWFF₁(P), the binary tree T(I) induced by I' is defined in the


proof above. In T(I), every finite path is a finite sequence, and every infinite path is an infinite

sequence, where all the entries are in {T,F). The set of all such finite sequences is denoted

{T,F)", and the set of all such infinite sequences is denoted {T,F). The root node of T(I) is

represented by the empty sequence e, every leaf node is connected to the root node by a finite

path, and every infinite path is one that can be traversed without ever reaching a leaf node.

An arbitrary binary tree can therefore be represented by a subset of {T, F}*U{T,F}", satisfying

two conditions:

• U is prefix-closed, i.e., for every (possibly infinite) path ₁ € {T,F)* U{T,F) and every

finite path #₂ € {T,F)", if ₁ EU and ₂ is a prefix of ₁, then #₂ EU.

• For every finite path = {T,F)", it holds that T U iff F EU, i.e., every non-leaf node

has two immediate successors.

Given an arbitrary IWFF (P), let T(T) be the subset of infinite paths in T(I):

T(T) = T(r)n(T.F)".

By the preceding proof, T. (T) ‡ Ø iff the set I is satisfiable. Let To, F₁, and I2, be defined as


To = {-P₁ ^P₂},

T₁ = {P₁ → (P₂A---A-PE) | A>2},


1₂ = {~-P₁ → (P²2 A---A-¬-Pk) |>2}.

There are two parts in this exercise:

1. Define the sets of infinite paths T. (To), T.(₁UF₂), and T(Tour₁ UF₂) as subsets of

{T,F). In your answers, use the notational conventions of regular languages and regular

w-languages that we have used earlier in the presentation of this exercise.

2. For each of the three sets defined in part 1, explain how they indicate whether the corre-

sponding set of wff's is satisfiable or not.

You will find it useful to consult Figure F.1.


Fig: 1

Fig: 2