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4. For the two compounds shown below (drawn at physiological pH): a. Fill in any necessary formal charges (all lone pairs are provided, hydrogens atoms are not).on carbon b. Identify

and label all unique functional groups in each compound above. c. For the highlighted bonds and lone pairs, list which hybrid orbitals are involved. d. In the space below, draw one valid resonance structure for the compound on the left where an oxygen has a negative formal charge. Make sure to show all curved arrows.(You may use R to substitute for unused substituents) e. In the space below, draw one valid resonance structure for the compound on the right, where a nitrogen has a positive formal charge and an oxygen has a negative formal charge. Make sure to show all curved arrows. (You may use R to substitute for unused substituents) f. Which of the above compounds is more likely to dissolve in water? Justify your answer by listing what kinds of intermolecular interactions each compound can have with water.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8