
4 In a unit where grain is steeped, sulfur dioxide is added directly to grain and water. Operators have long complained about sulfur dioxide fumes, citing runny noses, teary eyes, coughing,

and headaches. The concentration has been checked many times and has always measured lower than OSHA specifications. Management's stance has always been, "Don't spend money to fix something if it isn't broken." A few employees have quit, citing allergies and other medical problems. Operators in the area have requested an engi- neering study to remedy the situation. Chris is given the job of investigating whether the exhaust fan should be replaced with an expensive ventilation system. What are Chris's obli- gations? Can they all be met? What creative strategies can you suggest to Chris to deal with this situation? Suchel Look un this article, and Maximum points: 100 Submit an MS Word .docx document via Canvas Margins 0.75 inch on all sides, 12 point font, Times New Roman throughout, 1.5 line spacing for text. Use expressions and definitions introduced in the Ethics chapter in your writing if appropriate. Chris's obligations: List at least five obligations. Under each obligation write at least two sentences regarding why he can likely meet this obligation or not. Creative strategies: List at least two creative strategies to deal with the situation. Write at least three sentences discussing each strategy. Rubrik: followed the format, no spelling errors, no style "Normal" present in the document: 25 points Obligations: 5 points each obligation, 25 points total Strategies: 25 points each strategy If more Obligations and/or Strategies beyond the requirement above are offered then this can be used to make up for points missed elsewhere, with the same amount of points per item as described above.