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4. Using PSPICE (or alternate) Build the circuit shown at right. Use zener diodes. The source V1 is a VSIN with amplitude of 20 V and frequency of 100 Hz.

Set up a transient simulation that will run over a period of 50 ms (5 periods of the sine wave). Set themaximum step size to be 0.1 ms, giving 500 points in the simulation so that the traces in the graph willbe smooth. What to we expect from this circuit? When the sinusoid is positive, diode D2 will be forward-biased andD1 will be reverse-biased. There will be no current flow unless D1 goes into its breakdown mode. If D1breaks down, then the total voltage across the diodes will be clipped at the breakdown voltage plus oneforward diode drop: VB + 0.7. During the negative half-cycle, the opposite happens: D1 is forward-biased and D2 reverse-biased. No current flows unless D2 breaks down, in which case the voltage will beclamped at -(VB + 0.7 V). Question: What is the breakdown voltage of the diodes used in the circuit? Comment on your results

Fig: 1

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Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6