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(5). (20 points) A piston cylinder system contains 10 kg compressed liquid water with a pressure of 500 kPa and a temperature of 100°C (state A). Under constant pressure of

500kPa, the water is heated in turn to saturated liquid (state B), saturated mixture of liquid and vapor with a quality of0.2 (state C), saturated mixture of liquid and vapor with a quality of 0.9 (state D), saturated vapor(state E) and super heated vapor with a temperature of 500°C (state F). : (a). (4p) Present this process in a schematic T-v diagram with each state clearly marked on the figure; (b). (4p) Present this process in a schematic P-v diagram with each state clearly marked on the figure; (c). (4p) Find the specific volume and specific internal energy at state C; (d). (4p) Find the specific internal energy and total internal energy at state E;

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5