This circuit consists of a source with voltage V(t) (volts), a resistor with constant resistance R
(ohms), an inductor with constant inductance L (henries) and a capacitor with constant capaci-
tance C (farads). A differential equation governing the current I(t) (amperes) that flows through
this circuit at time t (seconds) is
R = + = = V(t).
(a) Assuming that we have L = 1, R=3, C = 0.5, and that the source provides a constant
(DC) voltage of 9 so that V(t) = 9, calculate the general solution for the current as a
function of time.
[4 marks]
(b) If we instead assume that the source provides an oscillating (AC) voltage with frequency 2
(hertz) and magnitude 240 such that V(t) = 240 sin(2t), calculate the general solution for
the current in this case.
[3 marks]
(c) Using your answer from part (b), if we now assume that there is zero current and rate of
change of current at time t = 0, so that
I(0) = I'(0) = 0,
calculate the particular solution of this initial value problem.
[3 marks]
Fig: 1