arrive at the numbers. Do not just fill in the meters with unsupported numerical values! Start by finding the equivalent resistant of the circuit. Symbols first, e.g., V 100=1100 R102 !10Ω Perform a check on your numerical results (e.g. check that V 100+V 302=V battery ). 5b Find the reading of each meter, assuming it has been connected correctly (write your answer in the circle that represents the appropriate meter).Clearly show how you arrive at the numbers! Do not just fill in the meters with unsupported numerical values!Always write appropriately subscripted equations, not just abandoned numbers or symbols. V10ΩSymbols first, e.g., I102R100 Steps: First clearly show how to find the equivalent resistant. Then draw the simplified circuit (done for you)and write in the value of the equivalent resistance and the reading of all the meters by finding the current drawn from the battery. Find the potential drop across the equivalent resistance. Go back to the original circuit. The potential drop (pd) across each resistor is the same as the pd across the equivalent resistance because they are in parallel.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8
Fig: 9