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6) Your 2005 Chrysler Town and Country Minivan has a frontal area of 2.9 m2 and a drag coefficient of 0.35. You decide it is time for a change, and

with your high-paying engineering salary, you decide to purchase a Mercedes CLA 250. The Mercedes CLA 250 has a frontal area of 23.2 ft? and a drag coefficient of 0.3. Determine the amount of money saved per year associated with aerodynamic drag reduction as a result of switching from the Chrysler to the Mercedes. Assume 12,000 miles per year at an average speed of 55 miles per hour. Use this gasoline data: price $3.50 / gallon, energy content 1.3x108 Ji gallon. Assume an engine efficiency of 30%. Note the savings you would estimate by simply looking up the "miles per gallon" ratings of these cars may be higher due to factors other than aerodynamic drag.

Fig: 1