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7-6 Bevel gears transmit torsional, bending, and axial loads to rotating shafts, such as shown in figure13-36. For this problem, the free body diagram for a shaft ABC is shown in the figure, where points Aand C are at the bearings. Line BG is on the bevel gear extended to the shaft center from point G, the contact point with the mating gear. Transmitted from the mating gear are tangential, radial, and axial forces F, = 5000 Ibf, F = 58lbf, and F, = 173 Ibf, respectively. The bearing at C supports the axial thrust load. For the shaft material, Su = 90 kpsi, Sy = 65 kpsi, and has a fully corrected endurance limit of 40kpsi. Let (Kr)a = 2.3, (K)b = 2.0 and (K), t = 1.5 where the subscripts a, b, and t represent axial, bending,and torsion, respectively. The diameter of the shaft ABC is 1.5 inches. Determine the Design Factor (n:) and then determine the design factor ni without axial loading. How much does axial forces contribute to the design factors?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3