should be turned on, set the SA current source to 0 Amps and set the 12 V source to 0v. a. Beside your circuit, indicate the circuit number, also your first & last name using a text annotation (found in the area with the voltage/current probes). b. Now make two copies of the circuit (as shown in the video) putting them below.Change the copied circuits so that you are finding Vx due to 5A in the first copy,and Vx due to 12 V in the second copy. Turn the other sources off. c. Run DC operation point analysis, do the three results match what was found in your analysis of circuit 2 earlier? Why or why not? (Hint: if not, you have an error in your analysis) d. Obtain a screen capture of your 3 circuits with the results for each contribution to Vx clearly shown. FOR SUBMITTED LAB REPORT, PLACE THIS AT THE END.
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5