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8:37 AM Thu May 2 Identify the ecosystem you investigated and state its geographic limits. Make sure to clearly identify the location (name, town, state, etc.) for others in the class. Write a short summary of the abiotic and biotic factors that you found. Include at least one interesting thing you noticed about the ecosystem. In the same post, choose a plant or animal species that is not currently in your ecosystem, and think of a scenario in which this species might realistically migrate into the ecosystem you studied. Describe some of the abiotic and biotic factors in the ecosystem that would affect the species. Do you think this species would become extinct or thrive in your ecosystem? Next read the posts of two or more people. Review and comment on their analysis in a respectful manner. Comment on the parts of their analysis that you find interesting and suggest areas of improvement. You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads 18% 0 (

Fig: 1