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8. Larry, Moe, and Curly start a partnership they call Three Stooges. Each invests $35,000. Their investment is called 9. Shemp sues the Three Stooges, claiming that he is a

partner too because he manages the business and gets profit as part of his compensation. The Three Stooges correctly claim he is not a partner because he does not share the businesses 10. The owners of the Three Stooges are happy because the business makes a lot of money. Each month they take home their 11. Because the partners, and not the business, pays taxes on the money they earn, the partnership is considered a _______-tax entity. 12. Partners have______and _____authority to conduct business to further the partnership business.and 13. When Larry, Moe, and Curly start arguing about how to run the business, Shemp suggests they create a 14. Moe believes that all of their problems can be solved by following the_______ management rights.which gives them equal 15. Shemp, believing he has been treated unfairly, sues The Three Stooges and Larry, Moe, and Curly. Shemp knows that all four defendants are liable and that he when he wins his lawsuit, he can collect from any one of the defendants.This is known as 16. Angry about losing the lawsuit, Larry decides to leave the partnership and wants Moe and Curly to_______his share of the business. 17. Moe and Curly decide to call it quits and terminate the business. First they must _______ all their business,then______their assests and finally pay their____

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