
8. One of the less popular candidates is polling at very small numbers in most of the states. They want to analyze the "topology-aware gossip" protocol you've seen in lecture. However,

instead of the lecture slide example of 2 subnets joined by 1 router, here we have a total of N nodes (processes), evenly spread out across √N subnets (each subnet containing √N nodes), all joined by 1 router. The subnets are numbered S0, S1, S2, ... S(√ N-1). All these √N subnets are connected together via 1 router. You can assume all nodes have a full membership list, and there are no failures (messages or processes). The topology-aware gossip works as follows. Consider a process Pj choosing gossip targets. The process' gossip targets depend on the subnet Si that it lies in. During a gossip round, the process Pj selects either b "inside-subnet Si gossip targets" with probability (1-1/√N), OR b "outside-subnet Si gossip targets" with probability 1/√N. The only "restriction" is that after process Pj is infected, for the next O(log(/√N)) rounds Pj picks only inside-subnet targets (no outside-subnet targets) -- thereafter in a gossip round at Pj, either all its targets are inside-subnet or all are outside- subnet. Inside-subnet gossip targets from Pj (in Si) are selected uniformly at random from among the processes of Si. Outside-gossip targets from Pj (in Si) are only picked from the processes in the "next" subnet S((i+1)mod√N), and they are picked uniformly at randomly from the processes lying in that “next” subnet. The gossiping of a message does not stop (i.e., it is gossiped forever based on the above protocol). Does this topology-aware gossip protocol satisfy both the requirements of: (i) O(log(N)) average dissemination time for a gossip (with one sender from any subnet), and (ii) an O(1) messages/time unit load on the router at any time during the gossip spread? Justify your answers.

Fig: 1