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(a) Aquino thinks it is a good idea to completely change the pipeline #3. What should be the diameter so the water supply is exactly the same in tank B and C?

(b) The city council told Aquino that a complete change of the pipeline is unfeasible(because of money and time issues) and they will have to preserve the pipe with diameter 0.1 m. Though, the mayor thinks this is a major political issue which needs to be solved ASAP (elections are next year). Aquino proposes a quick solution by using a pump installed in pipe 3 (green section replacing red section in sketch). He found a pump with the following characteristics,hp = 140Q²-120Q+400 with Q in m³/s and hp in m. Determine the Operation Point of the pump (that is, Q3 and hp) and the new values of Q2 and Q1. Help:Express equation in terms of Q3 and solve for this unknown first. Use calculator or "vpasolve" function in Matlab..

(c) The efficiency of the pump is given by n = −8Q² +4.5Q Compute the power needed to operate the pump.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2