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a) Give the estimated standard error of the estimator of p, i.e., ê =X/n, where X~ Bin(n, p). Explain its meaning in a full complete sentence. b) Let x and

s be the sample mean and sample variance of a simple random sample of size nfrom a population with mean u and variance o, respectively. Give the estimated standarderror of x. Explain its meaning in a full complete sentence. c) Let (X1 ,Y1 ), ... , (Xn ,Yn), be a simple random sample from a population of (X ,Y) valuesthat satisfy the simple linear regression model. Thus, µyx(x)= E(Y|X = x) = al + B1x , andthe intrinsic error variance o. = Var(YX = x ) is the same for all values x of X i.Give the estimated standard error of the estimate of B1 ii.Give the estimated standard error of the estimate of µyx(x)

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