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A Guelph developer has realized that there is a trend toward people growing their own freshvegetables in backyard gardens owing to an interest in eating local. The developer thereforewishes to

include an option for a large garden plot for all new homes built in a planned suburbdevelopment. A geographer on the planning committee notes the relatively short length of thelots and suggests the developer consider the exposure of the gardens to sunlight during thesummer months, especially for lots where the garden would be located to the north of thehouco Answer the following questions knowing that house height is 5.7 m, backyard length is 16 m from the house, and garden length is 4 m. Assume that the pitch of the roof is oriented parallel to the curb of the property, such that a side-view diagram of the house can be drawn as a rectangle (i.e. it is the same height for its whole cross-section). With the aid of a diagram, determine the minimum distance from the edge of the house to the garden so as to avoid shading from the house during the growing season. Ontarians typically start to plant their gardens after May 24 (i.e. solar declination of 20.7°N). (show allcalculations) (8 marks) ) What will the intensity of solar radiation be on the garden on July 15 and on August 25? Hint:use the analemma to estimate noon sun angle (4 marks). Describe how bodies of water (e.g. lakes) influence local radiation budgets. Explain how this may have potential micro-climatological effects (3 marks).

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