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A linear system is represented by the following transfer function H(s)=\frac{2 s+5}{(s+2)(s+3)} Assume zero initial conditions Derive its impulse response and plot it in MATLAB. Use f() and impulse() to

compute the impulse response using MATLAB.Compare the two wave forms by plotting them in the same figure window Repeat part (a) if input is unit step function. Use tf) and step() to get the step response in MATLAB. -3t.c. Derive and plot output y(t) if input is x(t) = e3tu(t). Here, use conv() in the time domain to compare your results d. Repeat part (c) if input is a sinusoid of amplitude 1Volts and frequency 3Hz. Here, use gen sig() to generate the input signal and Isim() to excite the system. e. Provide a pole-zero plot in the s-plane. Use pzmap() f. Provide a bode plot. Use bode(). Let the frequency axis be in Hz and the magnitude be absolute (Hint look into the properties of the obtained figure).

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