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Problem #1Figure 1 shows the pipe network that you will analyze using EPANET and the Hazen-Williams equation in this problem. The Hazen-Williams coefficient (CHw) is 130 for all pipe in

the network. Water enters the network at junctions A and F and exits the system at junctions C, D,and H. Table 1 tabulates the required flow rates into and out (i.e., demands) of the network. The length and diameter of each of the pipes in the network are summarized in Table 1. a) Provide a figure showing the pipe network you created in EPANET where the junction and pipe IDs are displayed. On the same figure, display the flow rates and corresponding flow directions (i.e., arrows). Use a reasonable color scheme for the flow rates through the pipes. b) Using the report generated in EPANET, tabulate the flow rates (L/s), velocities (m/s), and unit head losses (m/km) in each of the pipes in the network. c) Using the report generated in EPANET, tabulate the pressure head (m) at each of the nodes inthe pipe network.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5