product B. Write the reaction mechanism for the conversion of A –B below: b) Provide the structures of the major products A and B in the boxes and then write a logical reaction mechanism that explains the conversion of starting compound to product A. \text { Write the reaction mechanism for the conversion of starting compound } \rightarrow \text { A below: } c) Provide the structures of the major products A and B in the boxes and then write a logical reaction mechanism that explains the conversion of compound A to product B. Write reaction mechanism for the conversion A → B below: d) Provide the structures of the major products A and B in the boxes and then write a logical reaction mechanism that explains the conversion of starting compound to product A. Write the reaction mechanism for the conversion of starting compound→ A below:
Fig: 1
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Fig: 4
Fig: 5
Fig: 6
Fig: 7
Fig: 8
Fig: 9
Fig: 10
Fig: 11
Fig: 12