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A resistor (R = 10), inductor (L = 0.1 H) and capacitor (C = 0.1 F) are connected in series, and the current I(t) through the circuit is measured as

follows: Assuming that the capacitor is uncharged at t 0, and that the circuit is electrically small (such that propagation times between components can be neglected), find (or approximate where necessary) for times t = [0: 0.1: 0.4]s(i.e. do not calculate at t = 0.5 s): \text { i. The voltage across the resistor, where } V_{R}(t)=I(t) \cdot R \text {; } \text { ii. The voltage across the capacitor, where } V_{C}(t)=\frac{1}{c} \int_{0}^{t} I(\tau) d \tau \text {; } \text { iii. The voltage across the inductor, where } V_{L}(t)=L \cdot \frac{d I(t)}{d t} \text {; } \text { iv. The total voltage } V(t) \text { across the circuit. }

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7