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A tortoise and a hare are competing in a 1600-meter race. The arrogant hare decides to let the tortoise have a 520-meter head start. When the start gun is fired

the hare begins running at a constant speed of 8 meters per second and the tortoise begins crawling at a constant speed of 5 meters per second. Lett represent the number of seconds that have elapsed since the start gun was fired. a. Write an expression in terms of t that represents the hare's distance from the starting line (in meters). b. Write an expression in terms of t that represents the tortoise's distance from the starting line (in meters). c. Write an expression in terms of t that represents the number of meters the tortoise is ahead of the hare. d. Who finishes the race first?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6