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Activity 2

1. Title of activity:

2. Describe the activity: What you will be asking the children to do?

Include theinstructions you would give the children, how the project

would be set up, thesteps involved, the intended outcome or product,

and any other information thatdescribes the activity clearly.

3. Age of children activity is intended for _____________________

4. How would you introduce it to the children?

5. What props, supplies or materials you will need for this activity?

6. Describe how you would need to set up for this activity.

7. What are your anti-bias leaming objectives for this activity? What do

you hope the children will learn?

8. How does this activity impact all learning domains and promote

emotional, social, physical, cognitive, language and/or creative

development? (A good activity impacts more than one, ideally all six.)

9. Explain how this activity is developmentally appropriate, based on

what you know about child development. Refer to your text for

information about how this activity is suited to the way children of the

age you have selected develop identity and how they understand issues

of difference.

10. Which Anti-Bias goal does this activity fulfill? Look back at the goals

in your text.

11. How would you document the children's activities and experiences

with this story? In other words, how would you record the learning that

goes on?

12. How would you describe this activity and the learning to parents, and

encouragement family involvement in this project?