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Addiction, encompassing alcohol and/or drugs, is a chronic disease whereby recovery is often

characterized by cycles of remission, recurrence, and treatment. Sustained recovery may take

years, with significant social and economic impact on individuals, families, communities, and

health systems (Okrant et al, 2023). While driving through the community of Winchendon, Ma I

couldn't help but notice the amount of people drinking alcohol in public. Every time I walked

or drove through the town, I would see at least a couple people sitting outside the main

gas station drinking and even noticed individuals smoking pot in the YMCA parking lot

where it is known now as a hang out spot for adolescents.

Adolescents are more likely to be at risk of mental health disorders as well as becoming

addicted to various substances due to the increased levels of impulsivity and cognitive

development occurring during this period (Chemnad, 2023). Several factors can contribute

to young individuals being vulnerable to addiction especially living in a small community

without good support systems or youth programs. I have witnessed young people out very late at

night some smoking cigarettes while a lot of the kids I saw vaping as well. Alcohol, tobacco and

marijuana are just some of the common substances that kids can start to experiment with.

Consequences of addiction in young adults can become very severe.

Experimentation, habituation or regular use, dependence and then addiction are the four stages in

the disease of addiction. Experimentation would be considered the stage where the person starts

to become curious and experiment with whatever substance they are using. The second stage is

when the experimenting continues more frequently and becomes a pattern. A lot of the youth I

see smoking throughout town have made it a habit. Experimenting because of peer pressure or

just experimenting with peers can lead to a pattern that some youth still feel they have control

over. The prolonged use leads to a dependency and many can't stop on their own. The final stage

is the full addiction and dependency. Interventions at any stage can help the person but everyone

who suffers from this disease process can stay in stages longer than others.

The host would be referring to the person who is at risk for addiction. The agent is what the

person is addicted to. This can be a variety of things such as a drug, shopping or even a social

media. The environment is the factors contributing to the addiction. Peer pressure, stress,

depression to just name a few. In order to help reduce the risk of addiction these factors within

the epidemiological triangle should be discussed when planning any prevention, intervention or

treatment strategies.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a significant impact on youth mental health

and/or addiction concerns and exacerbated pre-existing gaps in access to mental health and/or

addiction care (Markoulakis, 2022). Winchendon doesn't seem to have a lot of resources

addressing addiction in young adults. I have seen advertisements on adult addiction programs but

not youth. Educating young adults about the risks of substance abuse and access to health

services needs to be addressed in this community. Treatment programs and early intervention can

play a huge role in helping them overcome any addiction they may be suffering from./nPlease respond to each of these discussion board posts using 250-300 words. Be sure to not

limit your response to just "I agree with your post". Expand on the ideas discussed in a clear and

concise manner.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2