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Describe the process, principles and assumptions that you would use to model each of the following situations and to predict the quantity specified. In other words, explain the method you

would use to solve each of the problems. Use no more than 100 words for each section. Each section is worth 10 marks giving a total of 20 marks for the question. An adult mammalian cell of mass 1.2 nanograms absorbs a flow of glucose that is broken down to produce 3.5x10-10W of energy plus carbon dioxide and water which over a 30 second period cause the cell to expand against a pressure 101,325 Pa by3200um3 and its temperature to rise from 36.6°C by 0.15°C. Given that the specific heat capacity of the cell is 4.184 J/g.K, how much heat will the cell need to transfer to its surroundings to return its temperature to 36.6°C? ) In a shower-room of floor dimensions 2m by 5m with a 2.5m high ceiling, a 2kW electricshower is left running for 6 minutes at 0.2 litres/second. The heat loss from thesurfaces of the room is 55W and during the six minutes its temperature rises 12°C from20°C. What is the specific enthalpy change of the water, given a height differencebetween the showerhead and the drain of 2.2m?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3