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An experiment is conducted on Lake Oroville to determine the currents induced by windspeed and direction. During the experiment dye is released continuously and floats are released every 30 minutes

(called tracking drogues) to monitor the surface currents.The 2-hour long experiment begins at 6:00 AM at which time the wind causes a surface current in the lake of 0.05 m/s to the east. This current is maintained until 7:00 AM at which time the wind speed and direction shift causing a surface current of 0.10 m/s to the south. 6) Sketch the streamlines for this flow before 7:00 AM and after 7:00 AM 7) Sketch the trajectory and location for each drogue between 6-8 AM in 30 minute intervals. 8) Sketch the dye trace between 6-8 AM in 30 minute intervals. 9) How do these sketches correspond to path lines and streak lines?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5